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CMNS 201 (Introduction to Mass Media) – Rhetorical Analysis

This assignment can be completed as an alternate to Assignment 1, the short essay.

The purpose of this assignment is to perform a rhetorical analysis of an electronic text that is accessible to your tutor.  The introduction of your essay will present the rhetorical situation (as defined below); use an on-line rhetorical analysis tool to deconstruct the content and composition of the message; perform a qualitative semiotic analysis of the content and draw conclusions accordingly.  Your finished paper will be 3-4 pages in length and double-spaced. 

Examples of texts that could be used for this assignment include advertisements with longer advertising copy, a TED talk, a political speech, etc.  A starting point for your research could be the  e-Lab’s Rhetorical Theory resource, also feel free to contact your tutor to discuss your ideas

Check the Rhetorical Analysis tutorial in the Virtual Tool Cupboard of the e-Lab. Then try out one of the on-line rhetorical analysis tools that are available to you for this assignment.  Kindly advise your tutor if the links are broken and/or if you would like to use another tool with which you are familiar.


In one to two paragraphs, you will identify the rhetorical situation:

  • What is the reason for the communication (message)?
  • What are the circumstances prompting the communication? 
  • Who is the speaker and what is his/her/their intention? 
  • Who is the intended audience?     

Development 1 – Content Analysis  

After performing an on-line rhetorical analysis of the chosen text, answer the following questions in one to two paragraphs:

  • Which key words appear most frequently?  How frequently?
  • What effects does this create?  What values/ideas are thus emphasized?
  • Are there discernible relationships between frequently occurring key words?
  • What effects does this create?  How does do these relationships extend the meaning/values/ideas identified above?
  • In your esteem, are the content choices effective in supporting the key message identified?

Development 2 – Semiotic Analysis

As discussed in Units 1 – 3, the term semiotics refers to the signs and symbols that are used and created in the formation of messages.  Persuasive messages tend to include signs and symbols that act as a type of shorthand or abbreviated communication between the speaker and the audience; these symbols serve to create a common culture and understanding between the two parties.

In one to two paragraphs, discuss 2 or 3 symbols that are created by the speaker.  Discuss how these symbols are created and how they bridge the reality and understanding between the speaker and audience. 


In one to two paragraphs evaluate the overall effectiveness of the message studied based on the speaker’s intentions and the content and semiotic analyses performed. 

  • In your opinion could the speaker have positioned his message in a more effective way?  Explain. 
  • In your opinion are content and rhetorical analyses worthwhile?  Did they help you understand the intention/message of the speaker? Explain.  

The following rubric will be used to evaluate your essay.  Please read the criteria before beginning the assignment and refer back to the same as you work on your paper to make sure that assignment expectations are being met.


A Range
80 – 100%

B Range

70 – 79%

C Range

60 – 69%

D Range

50 – 59%






- demonstrates thorough

understanding by

synthesizing the most

appropriate information

from research materials, course materials and other sources





- demonstrates a high

degree of understanding

by synthesizing

appropriate information

from research materials, course materials and other sources




- demonstrates some

understanding by

synthesizing appropriate

information from research materials, course materials and

other sources




- demonstrates little

understanding by

synthesizing appropriate

information from research materials,

course materials and

other sources




Definition and precision of terms


- shows complete

understanding of the

relationship between

the assignment

requirements and





Use of evidence


- offers pertinent

arguments to justify

response, draws from a variety of  course materials; demonstrates a subtle understanding of relationships between ideas






- shows definite

understanding of the

relationship between

the assignment

requirements and







- offers pertinent

arguments to justify response, draws from

course materials





- shows some

understanding of the

relationship between

the assignment

requirements and







- offers some arguments to justify response, draws from a limited selection of course materials





- shows little understanding of the relationship between the assignment  requirements and content






- offers few arguments to justify response




Logical consistency


- follows all

recommended essay

writing guidelines

as set forth in the

Student Manual,

follows an appropriate academic style rigorously (APA or MLA)




- follows most

recommended essay

writing guidelines

as set forth in the

Student Manual,

follows an appropriate academic style consistently (APA or MLA)





- follows some of the

recommended essay

writing guidelines

as set forth in the

Student Manual, follows

an appropriate academic style (APA or MLA)




- follows few of the

recommended essay

writing guidelines

as set forth in the

Student Manual, and

fails to use an

appropriate academic style (APA or MLA)





Accuracy of information


- demonstrates a high

degree of research

ability: uses a wide

variety of credible

sources; consistently and accurately references sources





- demonstrates research

abilities: uses a variety of credible sources;

consistently and

accurately references





- demonstrates some

degree of research

ability: uses some

credible sources;

references sources




- demonstrates little

research ability: uses few credible sources;

references sources

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